One Stop Shopping

Written by Miles Eubanks. Posted in Uncategorised

One Stop Shopping

Saturday, November 9, 2013

5:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Prairie Grove High School

Come get a jump on your Christmas Shopping and help the PG Shop with a Cop Program

$1 Donation admission & $1 donation chance at a "Big Prize" (1 item from each booth) proceeds go to PG Shop with a Cop.


Click here for a flyer and more information

PGSD Health and Wellness Clinic Q&A

Written by Miles Eubanks. Posted in Uncategorised

School Based Health Center

Your questions answered


Our Mission:

To coordinate efforts with community health partners to promote the best possible health and wellness of our students and community.

Core Values:

We believe universal access to affordable, high quality health care is a right, essential for student health and wellbeing.

We believe in advocating for the good health and wellbeing of the children of Prairie Grove Schools by providing accessible, high quality health care.

We believe that quality health care should be available to children where they are, in school.


What is the Prairie Grove Health and Wellness Clinic?

The Prairie Grove Health and Wellness Clinic is a School Based Health Center that is located in the Intermediate building on the Prairie Grove School campus.



Will the general public have access to the clinic?

Yes. The clinic will serve the students, faculty, and staff of Prairie Grove Schools, as well as its’ community members.  


Will the students be secure at the clinic?

Students will only enter the clinic through a secure entrance only accessible to clinic staff responsible for escorting students to the clinic for services where they will be taken directly to an exam room after checking in.


What services will the Prairie Grove Health and Wellness Clinic provide?

-Primary care for illness and injury

-Comprehensive annual exams

-Sports physicals

-Prescription medications

-Mental Health services

-Health Promotion and Prevention Programs

-Dental screenings for students

-Eye screenings for students


Do I have to pay for services?

Most insurance plans are accepted including Medicaid and ARKids 1st.  A co-pay may be required; however, no child will be turned away because of inability to pay for services.

What is the history behind SBHC’s?

Nationally, the school based health care movement started in the early 1980’s with a handful of projects. Today, more than 1,700 SBHC’s serve nearly two million young  people across the U.S. every year. Approximately 40 percent of these students have no other medical home, largely because they live in communities with limited access to health care. The national movement is led by the National Assembly on School Based Health Care.

What do parents think about SBHC’s?

Parents appreciate SBHC’s because:

-SBHC services help their child to stay healthy and in school. Services can include those for physical, behavioral (mental health and substance abuse), dental health and eye care.

-Parents miss less work. Without a SBHC, when a child is sick, the parent must miss work to take the child out of schools and be seen at the nearest health care facility. For families that rely on an hourly wage, this day of missed work can mean not getting a meal on the table at night.

-SBHC’s can partner with schools in developing and implementing the school’s crisis response plan, often making those plans stronger.

-SBHC staff can enhance the school’s health education program.

Do SBHC’s interfere with parental authority?

No. Statewide, parents retain the authority to sign consent forms regarding whether their child can be seen at the SBHC for standard services. The staff promotes STRONG family communication.

Shouldn’t schools just focus on educating?

Schools cannot do their job of educating students if they are not at school. Research shows that students who use SBHC’s are less likely to be absent and more likely to be promoted or graduate than their peers who do not. Furthermore, students without SBHC’S are less likely to get medical care, so they often come to school sick, spread illness to their teachers and peers, and thus distract others from learning.

Do SBHC’s eliminate the need for school nurses and counselors?

No. SBHC’s do not and will not replace school nurses or counselors. Rather, they complement services already being provided by placing additional resources in the school.

Do health clinics take money away from schools?

SBHC’s get their funding from many different sources, including the state, private grants, and insurance billing. Schools provide in-kind support to their health centers, such as space, utilities, and custodial services. In addition, some school districts pitch in modest funding, recognizing that students are more successful when they are physically and mentally healthy.

Do SBHC’s take patients away from local providers?

No. SBHC’s collaborate with and make referrals to community medical, behavioral, and oral health providers. SBHC’s are another entry point for children who may not otherwise be able or willing to seek help outside the school. While primary care providers generally see children under the age of 13 relatively often, they see adolescents less frequently. This group, at risk for a variety of health-related problems, typically does not access available health care resources. For these adolescents, SBHC’s serve as an important entry point into the health care system.

Are practitioners at SBHC’s qualified?

Yes. All medical providers at SBHC’s must be licensed, and the services they provide are limited to their type of licensure. Often, SBHC providers have additional skills and training in providing services to adolescents.



What do I need to do for my child to receive services?

Students needing services from the Prairie Grove Health and Wellness Clinic must have parental consent forms on file in order to access services. All student s needing services must visit the school nurse prior to receiving clinic services during school hours. Any child that is in need of services will be scheduled for a visit based on the acuity of the need (a child with a fever of 104 takes priority over a child with a rash that has been present for a week). If it is determined by the school nurse that a student needs services of the Health and Wellness Clinic, the parent MUST BE NOTIFIED prior to the delivery of services. No student will ever be sent to the clinic during school hours without the consent of the school nurse. All other community member appointments will be made as normal. 

Prairie Grove Health and Wellness Clinic

Written by Miles Eubanks. Posted in Uncategorised

Wellness Clinic Logo


Contact Us: (479) 846-8100

Prairie Grove School District has opened a School Based Health Clinic in the intermediate Building on the Prairie Grove School Campus.  The center is a community clinic designed to server students as well as our community members.  The goal of this clinic is to promote the overall health of the Prairie Grove students so they can fully benefit from their educational program. The services offered include:

  • Primary care for illness and injury
  • Comprehensive annual exams
  • Prescription medications
  • Mental Health services
  • Health Promotion and Prevention Programs
  • Dental scrennings for students
  • Comprehensive vision screenings with glasses dispensed as needed

Not only does the clinic serve our students, but is also  open to our community members.  We offer some early morning hours as well as some late afternoon hours to help accommodate all of our community.

ALL students attending the district are eligible to enroll in the School Based Health Center.  If your child does not have insurance, please contact the Wellness Clinic for more information on ARKids First. If you already have an insurance provide, we will be happy to work with them to see that your child gets the best care.  We are NOT trying to replace your regular source of health care.

Enrollment packets have been sent home with your child.  We would ask that you fill them out and send them back to your child's school or the Wellness Clinic as soon as possible. Parent consent IS REQUIRED, except in situationsnoted on the Parent Consent forms, before your child can be seen. 

Please contact your SCHC Coordinator, Carmel Perry, for further information about health services available to you and your child.  You are welcome to call the office anytime at 1-479-846-4211 ext. 3307

We are so excited to server you and your child here at the Prairie Grove Health and Wellnes Clinic!

Click Here for a Frequently Asked Questions page.

Click Here for Smoking Cessatim

Click here for a video on School Based Health Centers


Consent Form (English)  (Spanish)

Patient Information Form (English)  (Spanish)

Permission to Transport Form (English)

Microsoft Office for Home Use

Written by Miles Eubanks. Posted in Uncategorised

We recently joined into new Microsoft agreement that allows faculty members from our school to purchase Microsoft Office for home use for $9.95.  Yes!!! This means you no longer have to pay for expensive Office products for your personal computer.  If you have any questions, let me know.
Q: How do I get started?
A: Go to and use this program code: 094D2AD302
Q: Do I need this for my school-owned laptops?
A:  No. This is only for personally-owned computers of Prairie Grove School employees.
Q: Can students receive this discount too?
A:  No, it is only available to faculty members.
Q: Can I buy this for my extended family members and friends?
A:  No, it is only intended to be purchased for, and by, school employees.
Q: What happens if I leave the school district?
A: You will be required to uninstall the program from your computer. 
Q: Who makes all these rules?
A:  Microsoft.  Any violation of these rules will be your burden to resolve.
Q: How many licenses does they school own?
A:  We have an allotment of 171 licenses for faculty members.
Q: Does the technology department install the software?
A:  No.  Just follow the steps listed below to receive your personal copy.
Q: Who do I pay?
A:  Payment will be made directly to Microsoft.  The school will not receive any payments.


Copied from Microsoft...

You are now eligible to participate in Microsoft's Software Assurance Home Use Program (HUP). This program enables you to get a licensed copy of most Microsoft® Office desktop PC applications to install and use on your home computer.

Under the Home Use Program, you and our other employees who are users of qualifying applications at work (e.g. Office Enterprise) may acquire a licensed copy of the corresponding Home Use Program software (e.g. Office Enterprise) to install and use on a home computer. You may continue using HUP software while you are under our employment and as long as the corresponding software you use at work has active Software Assurance coverage.

Please note that some product and language versions may not be available at the time you place an order. For up-to-date information on the availability of Home Use Program software, please visit

To access the Microsoft Home Use Program Web site: 

1. Go to
2. Select the country to which you want your order to be shipped to and choose the language for viewing the order Web site. 
3. Enter your school e-mail address and insert the following program code . 094D2AD302 .
Note: This program code is assigned to our organization for our sole use in accessing this site. You may not share this number with anyone outside our organization.
4. Place your order online, and it will be shipped to the location you have chosen. Please note that a fulfillment fee will be charged to cover packaging, shipping, and handling costs.

We trust you will enjoy this benefit and look forward to your participation.

Canned Food Drive

Written by Miles Eubanks. Posted in Uncategorised

A canned food drive will be held Monday, November 5, at the Black and Gold basketball game at the Prairie Grove gym.  The Prairie Grove backpack program is in need of canned pasta, Beanee Weenee's, Vienna Sausages, and soups to feed our hungry children.  Thank you for supporting the Prairie Grove back pack program.  Your help is appreciated.